Thursday, April 7, 2011

OK Humane Place

I noticed a Facebook status update from the Ok Humane Place Spay & Neuter Clinic page a few days ago. They recently celebrated an exciting accomplishment that I simply had to share. The OK Humane Place Spay & Neuter Clinic set a new record for their highest number of animals spayed and neutered in a month! In March of 2011 they spayed and neutered 876 animals!

When grappling with a widespread problem such as animal overpopulation, the stats can be daunting. Unfortunately, more than 17,000 dogs & cats are euthanized in Oklahoma City Animal Shelter every year simply because there are not enough homes.
Their website, states:
Our clinic is open to anyone needing access to spay/neuter services, as well as ALL rescue groups. However, our goal is to perform surgeries that would otherwise have not been done. So if you have a relationship with a private-practice veterinarian, we encourage you to take your pet there. This frees up valuable surgery appointments for those pets at the most risk for having litters of puppies & kittens.

The Ok Humane Place Spay & Neuter Clinic has set a new goal to spay & neuter 1000 animals in one month. Can you help them? Come by the Clinic and pick up flyers to help spread the word about the Clinic’s services.

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